On July 5, Georgia Department of Natural Resources ranger Cpl. David Allen responded to a call from Richland Creek on Lake Oconee of a boating accident. He arrived to find the boat had hit a dock, and then the seawall, before coming to rest about 16 foot up the shoreline. The culprit – a snake had turned up on board.
“From photos, Cpl. Allen identified it as a brown water snake,” Elizabeth Starkey, a spokesperson with the DNR said, adding that every summer they get many reports of snakes in boats. “Oftentimes, snakes will seek shelter and warmth in boats during colder months. When summer arrives and boat owners take their vessels out for the first time, they discover the snakes in compartments, under life jackets or in other spots.”
No doubt this particular boater will check carefully in future before hitting the open water.
In other incidents in the weekly report on law enforcement activity on Georgia’s lakes, the DNR rangers reported a continued crackdown on boaters drinking while operating a vessel. In addition, several boaters were cited for traveling at night without the required navigational lights. There have been several nighttime collisions on area lakes this year, including two fatal ones on Lake Lanier.
Other enforcement activity included citing boaters for pulling skiers without a lookout, skiing after dark and several incidents of child endangerment for BUIs with a child or children on board.
The following is the report for Gwinnett County DNR enforcement: